Current Volunteer Opportunities
We are always looking for volunteers to help out with the numerous activities done by Waterloo Gardeners.
Currently, we are looking for help with the following:
Meeting Set-up Coordinator

We are looking for 1-2 volunteers to assist with meeting room set-up and preparing refreshments for each open meeting of the Society.
Meetings are held on the fourth Friday of each month from January – May and September – November. The ideal candidates will be able to help out at most meetings.
The volunteers will be at the Albert McCormick centre by 7:00 pm and will set-up tables for various purposes i.e., a community table, draw prize table, etc.
Information/literature for the community table will be provided at each meeting.
The volunteers will prepare coffee and tea, to be served after the meeting presentation.
Cookies or other snacks will be served with the coffee.
The volunteer will look after purchasing supplies for the refreshments and will be reimbursed by cheque.
The volunteers will be notified in advance of any special events that could change the meeting time and/or the refreshments to be served.
After the meeting, the volunteers will clean the equipment and lock it in the storage cupboard at Albert McCormick.
Full training will be provided!